I did something quite out of character yesterday that I pondered for hours afterwards.We made the obligatory Memorial Day stop at Macy's in Orlando yesterday on the way home. Walking into the building K was in front of me and Sid and my mother were a few feet behind me. K held the door for me and I was going to hold the door for the rest of the crew. Before they got there two other ladies got to the door before them. I was holding the door anyway so I kept on holding it. The first lady said thank you and held it for the next lady (they were together). I was really waiting for Sid so I didn't move from the door but instead kept holding it open. The second lady was a bit older. She didn't say thank you as she came through but she sort of smiled so whatever. What got me was that she was oblivious to the fact that there was anyone else around. She walked through and practically let the door hit my kid who wasn't even two steps behind her at that point. My demeanor changed immediately as you can imagine and my sarcastic side came out. Normally I would have just been exasperated but I would have kept my comments to myself. Not this time. Instead I said, "Thanks for holding the door for my son." She asked me to repeat myself which I did. She claimed to not have known he was there. They were the only four people withing 50 ft of each other and they were all walking towards the same door. How could she not even do a shoulder-check before letting go of the door? I could have gone off on her about my loss of faith in humanity and the self-centered, self-absorbed nature of north americans, but I didn't bother.
I felt bad about it later. Not about saying something but about not explaining myself. She left with the misconception that I have "chip on my shoulder." I know because she said as much. She knows I heard her but I didn't say anything. I was really surprised my mother didn't go off because she's always been a firecracker.
Was it worth it? In the end I was still exasperated.
I finished reading "The Da Vinci" code. All I'll say right now is that I thought it was a good read - definitely a page-turner.