Sunday, June 26, 2005

Let's Talk About Me, Shall We?

O, why not? It's my blog. May as well show the vain side of me (like you've never seen that side of me before).

Recently I asked a couple of my friends what makes me desirable. (I know, this assumes that I am desirable, but I thought that was a safe assumption to make.) And I got back some interesting answers...

1. It's just you. You know when you just like everything about someone and you can't put your finger on why exactly you find them attractive? (My response was "No, I always know why I find someone attractive.)
2. Smart and slimly sexy
3. You have never been anything less than a lady... anything less than caring, respectful and attentive.
4. Intelligent.
5. Funny.
6. Good to talk to (when you finally open up).
7. Nice figure.
8. Opinionated (there are men that DO NOT like that trait in women).
9. Covertly sexy.
10. Difficult\impossible to “conquer.”
11. I liked your voice (hubby said that one)
12. Nice smile. I liked your teeth. (hubby said this one too)

I'm not sure why I asked them that question. Maybe I was feeling like an old married woman, I don't know. But they made me smile. That's what friends are for. Thanks guys!

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