The boy and the girl are the same. The oldest boy is still in TN. Since he turned 16 last week he's trying to secure a summer job. Won't he be surprised to hear he won't be keeping all the money he'll be making. The girl is still acting up at home yet she was 'rewarded' with being allowed to go on a trip next Sunday to the Orlando area. Hmm. nyabg asked when it all started with her. I don't know when it started but from I've known her I've seen signs - I've seen her switch. Asking her about her behavior always results in a blank stare and sometimes monosyllabic responses. SP suggested I read some books on being bi-racial because maybe she doesn't know where to fit in. Ok, well I've started reading Rebecca Walker's autobiography, "Black White and Jewish" just in case it gives me a much-needed insight.
Shawn asked if there was any meaning to how I reference my husband's children. Could be, but I usually refer to my own son the same way when I say things like, "I have to go pick up the boy from school."
Thank you to everyone who commented on my brow post, esp. to those guys who said they looked fine before being done. :)
So, lets get this straight, on my father's side there are four brothers and a sister, only one of whom I've met. One brother is Mocha's dad, another brother is A's dad, a third brother (the one I've met) has children I've never been able to see in person. The sister lives in Jamaica. I got her address not too long ago but have finally sent her a letter this past Friday. I don't know what she'll make of it. I'm sure it will be a surprise - hopefully a pleasant one. Maybe she'll even write back.
happy belated! 5 years eh? whoa - seems to have just slipped by and much as is hasn't - know what i mean?
Congrats on making it 5 years, although I never had any doubt you would.
Congratulations to you guys.
Thanks for addressing my question.
Congratulations on 5 years. It's inspiring to those who aren't sure of marriage nowadays. :D
I'm quite sure she'll be delighted to hear from you....
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